Xero wanted to brand awareness across the Americas within the small business community. Made for Self Made isn’t simply a launch idea. It’s a shift in the way they speak to their customers. Rather than talking to the entire small business market, they wanted to become the software for the Self Made. A brand new category of entrepreneur.
Made for self made
Director - Vallée Duhamel / Psyop
DP - Kristof Brandl
CG Supervisor - Dave Alonso
2D Supervisor - Evan Schoonmaker
Design - Josh Childers
Editor - Randy Baublis / Cabin
Modeler - Greg Gutkin
Rig - Josh Sobel
Compositor - Alex Harding, Sang Lee, Andrew Malvasio
VFX - Alejandro Echeverry, Clarissa Pena, Nick Donatelli, Noemi Millan
Lighter - Allan Alonzo
DMP - David Gibbons
Colorist - Fernando Lui / Marla
Audio - Echolab
Client - Xero